Politicians inciting violence, says NDM

Written by Ross Sheil

ndm-copy.jpgFollowing recent political violence, the National Democratic Movement (NDM) is calling upon both main parties to moderate their campaign speeches and control their supporters.

In a statement issued this morning, Jamaica’s third party reserved especial criticism for the “empty-head talk” of People’s National Party (PNP) leaders, which it said was riling up supporters.

Political motives have been blamed for the recent murders of several Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) supporters.

“It feels that Jamaican politics should not be in this awful state at this point in time of our history and (the NDM) again renews its calls for the dismantling of garrison and gangster politics,” read the statement.

Expressing condolences to the relatives of recent victims of political violence the NDM called upon voters to withdraw their support for candidates and parties, who use gunmen as an election tactic.

NDM website

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