
Darkness at Mandeville polling station
Dave Lindo, Gleaner Writer
Voters casting their ballots in the Local Government election at Polling Station # 31 on Grove Road in Mandeville are doing so under dim light from kerosene lamps.
In the 2011 General Election, the authorities had used candles to provide light inside the dark building which once served as the JAMAL centre.
For several years, the building has not been in use for day to day activities.
Meanwhile, there has been low voter turn-out for the first hour and a half at polling stations across Manchester, however, voting started on time at 7 a.m.
The Member of Parliament for Central Manchester, the People’s National Party’s (PNP) Peter Bunting cast his vote at the Grove Road Polling Station at 7:14 a.m.
The Jamaica Labour Party’s Simon Sangster is running against the PNP’s Jones Oliphant for the Mandeville Division.
The seat was left vacant late last year when the JLP’s Sally Porteous resigned as councillor and as a member of the Jamaica Labour Party to take up the post of Custos of Manchester.
